Friday, November 18, 2011

Gandhiji & Correa vs Us

A new task... Measure draw a building with only human observation, perception and dimensions.... An assignment for 8 weeks... whats the big deal... it is just a matter of a day... wasted 3 weeks on this over confidence... realized the real challenge when we visited the building...

Gandhi Smarak Sangrahlaya - A master piece by Charles Correa that houses the life story of Mahatma Gandhi in the form of letters, photographs and other collected artifacts.

Where to start ? What to measure ? What accuracy should the measurements be ? How to measure ? And above all Why measure ? MEASURE - what does that word mean now... The questions just started multiplying while we were there.....

The first interesting finding we had there was about the alterations in the building plan from the reference we found from the book on Charles Correa. Yes we have something to show ma'am. There were additional blocks added to the initial plan. A few open areas were enclosed to serve the added functions. We measured one square unit by pacing and assumed that all the other units are the same. Then found that the tiles could be taken as a reference as they were of 3 types and repeated. So the tiles and the beadings in between were counted and approximate dimensions were set with the human perception and calculated the c/c distance between the brick piers is almost 6 meters.

The next interesting discovery was that the brick pier. The placing of bricks confused us to the core that which ever permutation combination u work out the puzzle was not solved. The basic principles of brick laying had to be taken into consideration. Wanna try your luck in the puzzle... Given below is the only clue available. The column is H shaped and the elevations of the two courses are given adjacent to the side. This pair of course were repeated above. We fell in love with the building for the challenge just that brick pier gave us.

In order to study the hts of the roof and other details we climbed above the roof and walk through the gutters. I felt like i was walking in between some small mounts. The proportion of the roof became so small hen we went above. The idea of meandering paths were prominent on the roof gutters with proper grid network allowing the flow of water

New finding.... the tile sizes... when we observed the stone tile sizes in the Sangrahlaya e observed 5 different widths unlike the three which we observed earlier.. From the comparative study we conducted we could identify Large - 22", Medium16", Small 10", Residue14", X-small 9"

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.” 

Mahatma Gandhi 

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