Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why should i use a pencil ?

I should use a pencil to the last bit of it........................ reason is quoted below in the form of a comic strip.....
The script was framed in a way that eventhough it would make you laugh it also makes u think for a second atleast. Stories gets registered in ones memory more than anything else. I'm sure all of us will still know the story of the rabbit and the tortoise race..

This is a supplimentary addition to the above comic strip to support the necessary data. I opted it as a conversation between the devil and the raw materials as its easier to relate the evilness of the day. 

I hope all of you have a good laugh. ;)

1 comment:

  1. this was the first assignment did at CEPT... the idea behind this was to make us realize the embodied energy within any object...
