Saturday, September 10, 2011

From the pan to the pot

During SAMVAD Dialogue- An International Conference conducted by SID Research Cell I came across an interesting discussion by Tapan Chakravarthy. It was titled "FROM THE PAN TO THE POT : CHANGES WITHIN THE HUMAN "DWELLING"".

The speaker said in a humorous note how the lifestlyes have changed among human beings where in which earlier one used to go home to eat and go out for your nature calls and now going out to eat and coming home to bath... he also portrayed the change of importance of kitchen to that of a bathroom or a toilet....

I realized how true it was.... How i hate using public toilets due to the notion of it being unhygienic and use only only the toilet at my home... And the food habits have also changed. I used to crib at home. "Daily home food. I want food from outside" and now being here i'm forced to have food from outside - be it from the CEPT canteen or the tiffin service or the small and big restaurants around. Though now I think "I want home food" and hence I started COOKING.... So am I going back from the Pot to the Pan ????


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