Saturday, September 10, 2011

Green green green

My first thought - we are not Landscape architects to go around identifying plants and their botanical names... the main reason of me not even applying for the PG course in Landscape Architecture was because of this fear.... my fear towards biology... towards botany... towards byhearting any technical terms.. but once when I started learning it made a lot of sense as in which ecology plays a major role... it is not just the sun wind and rain but the site conditions are important... the trees in the plans where used as key features or as elements in design without even knowing which tree is it???... what profile does it have ???... is it just spread out or is it high???... how deep and spread out are its roots???... never gave them such thoughts... an even deeper thought process came when we were able to identify so many short shrubs and smaller plants which are always neglected... the ground cover was always categorized as GRASS and nothing more... I've to still admit that I dont know the botanical names of even half of the plants that i identified for the assignment... but I've realized how these plants play a major role in shaping the ecology of the place. 

The area I had identified for the collection of samples was the Amdavad ni Gufa compound, Vikram Sarabhai Science Research Centre and the entry way to the CEPT campus... We were able to identify more than 45 species of plants from just that small patch of land.... I cant imagine how many will be there in the whole the whole of Ahmedabad.... in the whole of Gujarat.... if this is the condition here what will it be in a totally green place like Kerala ???? it was even interesting to see the amount of birds especially parrots who rest on these trees... let us imagine a case if those big trees where not in place... The place will be burning hot... no shade.... the soil will be dry unlike now when it is soft (mainly due to rain)... no chirping sounds of the birds... no fallen leaves (helpful for the sweepers)... but not NATURAL... and that too if the whole area is paved or tarred the artificial factor is enhanced... the best thing i liked when i came for my interview to CEPT was that i could sit anywhere be it near the canteen or near the Admin block without being burned... there were cool breezes, shade and a pleasant climate, though i later on heard that it is only during this season it is like this.... that pleasant climate made me feel may be i belong here and now i'm here... living a gypsy life within the campus... and this gypsy life has been possible only because of the shade provided by the trees...

Just FYI i've attached the table of plants with their botanical names and characteristic features below...

The area I observed was the connection link between the Gufa and the CEPT campus where in which it is just a shaded movement sector. Most of the trees fall with the trunk and roots within the SID area has its foliage falling over to the road giving it proper shade. In due course of time there are high tendencies that the trees might topple over into the road. and foreseeing it  must be the reason why they have planted new Neem trees in the vicinity. This would retain the spirit of the space through a longer period of time...

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